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Operation Iceland

Page 4

World Peace and Prosperity

Energy costs no longer need to be high. We have all the technology necessary for abundant clean and very inexpensive energy to provide transportation and industry. The current power structure of the world is preventing society from using all of its clean energy resources so that society will not be prosperous and independent. A dependant society is what keeps the current power structure operating. When the nations of the world monetize value clean abundant inexpensive energy will follow and so will all the other items on the list above that humanity needs for world peace and prosperity. When the nations of the world stop monetizing debt the current power structure will fall.

Crude oil can be made using vegetation by placing green vegetation and water under pressure and heating them for one hour. Coal can be made in one week by placing wood in water and placing it under pressure and heating it. Coal can be used to produce vast amounts of inexpensive energy without causing pollution or global warming. Oil can be made just by caring for the environment and collecting green waste and converting it. We also have oil and coal ready to use all over the world in large natural deposits.

Just by using the national budget to pay civil servants to maintain green spaces and forests, a nation can produce small amounts of extra crude oil and coal using vegetation. The small amount of energy needed to place the vegetation under pressure and heat it can be provided by wind and solar energy or any other energy source. The crude oil and coal produced using clean energy are the equivalent of renewable batteries because they store all the green energy in vegetation. Coal and oil are vegetable batteries and we know how to burn them without causing pollution.