Timeline 2018

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Operation Iceland

Page 1

Below is a list of the things humanity needs for world peace and prosperity. All of the items on the list below can be achieved by monetizing value to fund the nations of the world.

  • Income
  • Savings
  • Real estate
  • Energy
  • Assets
  • Food and water
  • Good health
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Education

Monetize Value

Currently we monetize debt to fund our nations. Monetizing value is almost the same as monetizing debt except it does not include the fraud and counterfeit aspects which are the essence of monetizing debt.

The citizens of the nations are a resource just like any other national resource. Their physical and intellectual labor has value. Civil servants only need credit for their labor.

Prepare a national budget as usual and find a final sum total for the fiscal year.

Do not borrow any amount of money from any entity to fund the nation.

Use the national treasury to print new money using normal national currency such as bills and coins and direct account deposits to pay the civil servants for their labor for the fiscal year. An amount of new money equal to the total of the budget for the fiscal year needs to be created and printed and deposited in the National Bank to pay for the entire budget. The entire budget will be paid in full every year and the citizens of the nations will never owe money for operating their nations because they never borrowed any money to fund their nation. The money was created and printed by the Treasury that is owned by the citizens and the money was deposited in the National Bank that is also owned by the citizens.

Use the national bank to account for and distribute the money to the civil servants or any other entity that has provided value to the nation as part of the budget for the fiscal year.